Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cruelty Free Living

Some of you may have seen me mention after each ad match that some of the items listed were tested on animals. I do this because I want to educate people on what is and what isn't tested on animals. Most people aren't aware that the products they use every day have been injected into animals organs, forced into their stomach, or poured into their eyes. This is torture. Pure and simple. But there are so many alternatives to this cruelty and luckily there are many products not tested on animals. Tresemme, White Rain, VO5, Revlon, Almay, Method, 7th Generation, Nivea, and many more are tested for safety without needlessly torturing animals. Please vist for more information.

I do have one thing to add. Most of the health, body, or home care items a person can get free through coupons are tested on animals. This fact had previously left me at a moral crossroad. There are so many needy people out there who would greatly benefit from these products, but the last thing I want to do is encourage the use of these items. What to do, what to do? Well, this is what I came up with. If I can get a "cruelty" product free with coupons (or almost free, as I will purchase something if I have to pay $0.08 or less as the manufacturer has to pay a retailer $0.08 per coupon for shipping), I will purchase it. I then tape a very small tag on each of the items that says the following: "Did you know that this product has been tested on animals? Once you get back on your feet, please consult for cruelty free alternatives." I then donate all the items to a food shelf. This way, the manufacturer makes NO money on the item (they actually lose money), a needy person gets items for free, and they may also become an animal advocate themselves. Everyone, except the manufacturer, wins!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you are interested in goin vegetarian!

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